Piedmont Macon Names Shirley Duncan a ‘Community Hero’

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Shirley Duncan, who has continued a legacy of compassion and outreach in her Macon neighborhood, is the latest recipient of Piedmont Macon’s Community Hero Award.

This story began in 2018 when Shirley’s husband, David, a double-amputee and double organ donor, prayed about what God wanted him to do with the rest of his life. David, a minister who was now at home a lot, found his answer when a young boy named Jaden knocked on the Duncans’ front door.

Jaden had been playing in the neighborhood and asked for a drink of water. After a couple of days of showing up at the door for water, Jaden brought some of his friends with him. David talked with them and invited them to have dinner there that Friday night. They were having hot dogs.

Over time, the neighborhood kids would head to the Duncan home each Friday evening for a meal, and they would stop by after school for snacks. David and Shirley called their outreach “The Hot Dog Club” in honor of that first humble meal, although the weekly Friday night menu is ever changing, including pizza, Chinese food, spaghetti or tacos.

“The group continues to grow,” said Dorothy McCranie, a family friend who volunteers to help with the meals. “We’ve been averaging 140 to 160 plates each week. … This has truly strengthened my faith, because I’ve seen firsthand what God has been able to do.”

In December 2022, David Duncan passed away, but Shirley insisted the ministry would go on. With the help of Dorothy, other volunteers and countless people who donate money or food, the outreach program not only serves children but also parents, grandparents and some who are “housing challenged,” Dorothy said.

The Hot Dog Club also provides a Christmas party each year for the young folks and their families, and depending on donations, Shirley opens up throughout the year her “table of grace,” which might include food or household items that are available for anyone in need.

“Shirley is one of the most caring individuals I have ever met,” Dorothy said. “She is a caregiver and friend to so many people.”

Stephen J. Daugherty, CEO of Piedmont Macon Medical Center and Piedmont Macon North Hospital who presented the Community Hero Award to Shirley at her home, said she embodies all the qualities that make her a perfect choice to receive the honor.

“Ms. Shirley leads her life with kindness and compassion for others,” Daugherty said. “She is the very definition of a community hero, and she has made a positive difference in the countless number of lives she has touched through the years.”


The Community Hero Award is presented quarterly to a deserving individual. After soliciting nominations from the community and hospital employees, Piedmont Macon’s executive leadership team selects a winner. Along with the award, the recipient will receive $500 for the charity or nonprofit organization of his or her choice.